Recently, Aptera announced a new partnership with CPC composite manufacturing in Italy. With this announcement, a different production method has been introduced for Aptera. As quoted from the Aptera news article: “The majority of the BINC is made of Carbon Fiber Sheet Molding Compound (CF-SMC), combined with Glass Sheet Molding Compound (SMC).” (Note: the BINC…
Do I choose full solar?
Aptera promotes itself as an SEV, a Solar Electric Vehicle. Which it is. However, in my personal opinion, the solar is “just a feature”. Don’t get me wrong; I am thoroughly impressed by the innovation of adapting the solar cells in such a way that they follow the compound curvature of the vehicle and can…
A short talk about passive safety
A lot of people ask me about safety when they see Aptera. Because it’s not bulky, some people assume it’s not safe. Unfortunately there aren’t any official crash results yet, but let me explain why I believe Aptera will do well. The passive safety (so when a crash is actually occuring, not the electronic bits…
How far can you drive on a cup of tea?
In this blog I’ll be having some math fun (nerd alert!), showing you both how easily most of us unknowingly waste energy and how extremely efficient Aptera is. I’ll be figuring out the answer to the age old question:“If you drink 3 cups of tea per day and always boil twice the water of what’s…

Efficiency – a calculation
Since Aptera’s main promise is its groundbreaking efficiency, in this blog I will try to explain with some basic calculations where Aptera gets its efficiency from. The energy use of any electric vehicle revolves around several types of losses that occur: Air resistance: the power needed to force the air molecules around the car. Rolling…